向け/向き => to be suitable for N2
~むきがある(~向きがある)     => There is a tendency N1
否定形 => Negative form N5
Conjugate verbs
予定だ => plan to, intend to N4
尊敬語 => Honorifics N4
丁寧語 => polite form N4
謙譲語 => Humble form N4
意向形 => volitional form​ N4
に向かって/に向けて => to face; to go towards; to head to N2
と言う/と言っていた => you could say; one might say; I'd say ~ N5
は..語で何ですか => What does it mean... N5
[向「む」]け => Made for A, intended for A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions