間 => while; during; between ~ N4
間に => while; during~ something happened N4
瞬間 => At the very moment N3
Short period of time
[間「あいだ」]/[間「あいだ」]に => During A, During A (before A is finished/over) N2
Time, Situation
~ といっても間違いない => although I say; although one might say ~ it doesn't matter ... N1
~はめになる(~羽目になる)     => to get stuck with (some job); to end up with (something unpleasant) N1
~のなんのと => For example... N1
Demonstrate by example
…との => ...is..., ...that... N1
Recommendations and warnings
...ところのN => But... N3
... としての... => ...as a... N3
Position, perspective
というのは => because N2
(の) なら~と => If... then... (Ideally) N3