…すぎ ... => too much N4
Emphasis on degree
すぎる => too much N4
たち => Plural form N5
~かぎりなく ... にちかい => Almost, near, like, almost like N... N1
Limit, limit
すなわち => in other words; namely ~ N2
たちまち  => Immediately, Quickly, Suddenly, In a moment or flash N2
ちゃんとする => Serious, tidy, complete N3
Result status
にすぎない => Only A; No more than A N2
(Not)only, (Not) even
いちど .... ば/... たら => Just... once N4
Conditions (sufficient conditions)
がちです/がちになる => A tends to become/happen/occur N2
Potential, Possibility
すぎる => A is done too much, Too much A; A is excessive N4
Secondary Verb
~にかぎったことではない => not limited to only ~ N1