は~で有名 => famous for ~ N3
... 前に => Before ... N4
Relationship before and after
前に => before; in front of ~ N5
... 前に => ... in front of, before N4
Relationship before and after
を前提に => On the premise of N1
手前 => considering; before; in front of; one’s standpoint N1
~[前「まえ」]に => Before N/Vる(occurs/happens) N5
当然だ/当たり前だ => natural; as a matter of course N2
この / その / あの => this / that N5
Spatial relations
...そのもの => Myself... N2
Demonstrate by example
ものの => but, although N2
Things do not match the prediction
その...その => Every... N1
Happens next