Detail word “文章”
icon TodaiiJapanese
◆ (writing) style
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A style marked by mannerisms.
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Hemingway had a poor writing style.
icon TodaiiJapanese
I expect you can tell from the quoted text, but this is a book written in acolloquial style.
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ article
icon TodaiiJapanese
Please complete this sentence.
icon TodaiiJapanese
I don't feel like translating this sentence.
icon TodaiiJapanese
Could you translate this sentence for me?
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ composition
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ sentence
icon TodaiiJapanese
The best way to understand a sentence is to translate it.
icon TodaiiJapanese
You must begin a sentence with a capital letter.
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The kanji
文 「ブン モン」
icon Todaii Japanese
Kanji radicals:
訓: ふみ あや
音: ブン モン
章 「ショウ」
icon Todaii Japanese
Kanji radicals:
音: ショウ