Detail word “立派”
icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
◆ splendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent
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He is a fine gentleman.
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He succeeded in life fine.
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He is a fine classical scholar.
◆ praiseworthy, creditable, worthy
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Churchill was a worthy statesman.
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We will elect whoever we believe is worthy.
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It is a worthy ambition to do well whatever one does.
◆ legal, legitimate, lawful
◆ undeniable (e.g. crime), indisputable, solid
  • 粗末
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The kanji
立 「リツ リュウ リットル」
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Kanji radicals:
訓: た.つ -た.つ た.ち- た.てる -た.てる た.て- たて- -た.て -だ.て -だ.てる
音: リツ リュウ リットル
派 「ハ」
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Kanji radicals: