Detail word “苦しい”
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☆ adjective (keiyoushi)
◆ painful, difficult, agonizing
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This month was kind of difficult.
◆ needy, tight (budget), straitened (circumstances)
◆ forced (smile, joke), lame (excuse), strained (interpretation)
◆ awkward (situation), painful (position)
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It's so painful. Stop it!
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Because it is distant, it is painful by bicycle.
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It's so painful. Stop it!
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Because it is distant, it is painful by bicycle.
☆ suffix
☆ kind. adj-i
◆ (after masu stem) hard to do, unpleasant
  • 楽しい
  • 楽だ
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The kanji
苦 「ク」
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Kanji radicals:
訓: くる.しい -ぐる.しい くる.しむ くる.しめる にが.い にが.る