ホンダN−ONEなど30万台まんだいリコール 走行中そうこうちゅうにエンストのそれ
2023-06-05 07:10:02
2018pcmail 10:06 05/06/2023
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ホンダN−ONEなど30万台まんだいリコール 走行中そうこうちゅうにエンストのそれ
label.tran_page Recall of 300,000 units including Honda N-ONE Risk of engine stalling while driving


label.tran_page Honda has notified the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of the recall of approximately 307,000 vehicles due to the risk of engine stalls while driving due to a problem with the fuel pump.

label.tran_page The recall covers 307,351 units of 10 models, including Honda’s ”N-ONE,” ”N-BOX,” and ”N-WGN,” manufactured between August 2017 and May 2019.

label.tran_page In the worst case of a fuel pump malfunction, there is a risk of the engine stalling while driving.

label.tran_page  237 defects have been confirmed so far, but no accidents have occurred.

label.tran_page Honda will notify you by direct mail and other means that the fuel pump will be replaced.