愛知あいち 豊川とよかわ 御津みとまち一部いちぶ 7世帯せたい18にん避難ひなん指示しじ 土砂崩どしゃくずおそれ
6/6/2023 7:08:53 PM +09:00
Anonymous 17:06 06/06/2023
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愛知あいち 豊川とよかわ 御津みとまち一部いちぶ 7世帯せたい18にん避難ひなん指示しじ 土砂崩どしゃくずおそれ
label.tran_page Evacuation instructions have been given to 18 residents of 7 households in one region of Mitomachi of Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture, due to a risk of a landslide.
label.tran_page Toyokawa Town of Aichi Prefecture has announced that since the afternoon of the 6th, heavy rainfall has weakened the ground in some parts over 3 days this month and risks of natural disasters, such as landslides caused by rain. At 6:07pm evacuation instructions were given to residents in one part of Mitomachi of Toyokawa town’s Hiroishi Gotsuyama and one part of Hiroishi Yamashita, totalling 18 people of 7 households.