ローマ教皇きょうこう 7日午後なのかごごちょうヘルニアの手術しゅじゅつ 数日間入院すうじつかんにゅういん
2023-06-09 07:10:02
2018pcmail 10:06 09/06/2023
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ローマ教皇きょうこう 7日午後なのかごごちょうヘルニアの手術しゅじゅつ 数日間入院すうじつかんにゅういん
label.tran_page Pope Surgery for intestinal hernia on the afternoon of the 7th, to be hospitalized for several days


label.tran_page Pope Francis (86) will be hospitalized for several days for intestinal hernia surgery


label.tran_page Pope Francis headed to a hospital in Rome after finishing his general audience on the 7th.


label.tran_page According to the announcement by the Holy See, he will undergo an intestinal hernia operation under general anesthesia on the afternoon of the 7th, and is expected to be hospitalized for several days.


label.tran_page ”The medical team has been preparing for surgery for the past few days because the pain has recurred.”


label.tran_page The Pope underwent colon surgery under general anesthesia two years ago