Japanese newspaper
中国ちゅうごくほうのっと管理かんり」と主張しゅちょう クラブハウス問題巡もんだいめぐ
2021-02-12 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 08:02 13/02/2021
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中国ちゅうごくほうのっと管理かんり」と主張しゅちょう クラブハウス問題巡もんだいめぐ
label.tran_page China states it is managed according to the law


label.tran_page Regarding the fact that the popular SNS Clubhouse became unavailable in China, the Chinese government expressed the view that the Internet is managed in accordance with the law.

label.tran_page On the 9th, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs insisted that it did not know that the clubhouse was suddenly unavailable.

label.tran_page However, he said that the Internet is managed in accordance with the law, and continued, The determination to protect the sovereignty and security of the nation and oppose the interference of foreign powers will not be shaken.

label.tran_page The number of users of clubhouses has been increasing in China since the beginning of this month, and the issue of Xinjiang Uygur and Hong Kong, which normally do not allow free discussion, was also taken up as a topic, so it may have been subject to regulation.