セブン&アイ そごう・西武せいぶ売却検討ばいきゃくけんとうイトーヨーカどう維持いじ
2022-04-08 15:30:06
Anonymous 02:04 14/04/2022
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セブン&アイ そごう・西武せいぶ売却検討ばいきゃくけんとうイトーヨーカどう維持いじ
label.tran_page Ito-Yokado maintains the consideration of selling Seven & i Sogo & Seibu


label.tran_page ”Seven & i Holdings” officially announced that it is considering selling the department store ”Sogo & Seibu” under its umbrella.

label.tran_page Seven & i is considering selling ”Sogo & Seibu,” which has 10 stores, including the Seibu Ikebukuro main store and Sogo Yokohama store.

label.tran_page Although it was pointed out by shareholders that it should be sold due to poor business performance, President Ryuichi Isaka revealed for the first time that he is ”considering all options including selling”.

label.tran_page According to the people concerned, the first bid for the sale has already been closed, but the specific progress was not disclosed.

label.tran_page In addition, some shareholders have proposed that the supermarket ”Ito-Yokado” under its umbrella should be sold, but President Isaka said that strengthening the cooperation between the supermarket and the convenience store would lead to the growth of the group, and decided to sell it. Showed negative thoughts
