ロサンゼルス暴動ぼうどうから30ねん 現在げんざいのこ人種差別じんしゅさべつ危惧きぐ
2022-05-01 15:30:02
hocuspocus 11:05 02/05/2022
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Anonymous 11:05 02/05/2022
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ロサンゼルス暴動ぼうどうから30ねん 現在げんざいのこ人種差別じんしゅさべつ危惧きぐ
label.tran_page 30 years after the Los Angeles riots, fears of racial discrimination still remain


label.tran_page It has been widely accepted that the worst riot in national history occured 30 years ago in Los Angeles.
label.tran_page Even now, many are worried that fierce racial conflict could occur at any moment.

label.tran_page The 1992 Los Angeles riots were triggered by the assault of a speeding black male by police, which made the collective anger of black people who had suffered from racism culminate.

label.tran_page 4500 stores were looted, mainly Korean stores that were in conflict, about 3600 fires broke out, 63 people were killed, and 2383 were injured.

label.tran_page Racism hasn’t gone away, and 68% of Los Angeles citizens are worried that a similar riot will occur within the next five years.