くろシャツ素手すではち世話せわ TikTokの動画どうが物議醸ぶつぎかも
2021-06-10 07:10:03Z
Leigh Ann 18:06 10/06/2021
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くろシャツ素手すではち世話せわ TikTokの動画どうが物議醸ぶつぎかも
label.tran_page Taking care of bees with bare hands in a black shirt TikTok’s video is controversial


label.tran_page While the video of a beekeeper in Texas taking care of a bee without wearing protective clothing or gloves has gained popularity on the video app ”TikTok,” it has also been criticized as a ”dangerous precedent.” Is


label.tran_page The account in question includes a series of videos of Erica Thompson, who lives in Austin, Tong, scooping and moving bees with her bare hands in a black shirt and jeans.
label.tran_page Thompson has become a huge hit, with 6 million followers on TikTok and 80 million likes.


label.tran_page In response, Friday Chamberlain, who has been working on bee control for many years, recently pointed out a problem in a post on TikTok.
label.tran_page Thompson’s video criticized him for doing everything he shouldn’t do when dealing with bees.