コクヨ 中国で文具422万個超回収「安全基準満たしていない」

We apologize for the inconvenience, he commented.

We apologize for the inconvenience, he commented.

Kokuyo, a stationery manufacturer, has decided to recall more than 4.22 million units of stationery sold in China after being pointed out by the Chinese authorities that they do not meet safety standards.

Kokuyo, a stationery manufacturer, has decided to recall more than 4.22 million units of stationery sold in China after being pointed out by the Chinese authorities that they do not meet safety standards.

Kokuyo Collects over 4.22 million stationery items in China does not meet safety standards

Kokuyo Collects over 4.22 million stationery items in China does not meet safety standards