べい衰弱懸念すいじゃくけねんパンダ「ヤーヤー」が上海到着しゃんはいとうちゃく 20年間ねんかん貸与終たいよおえる
2023-04-29 15:10:23
dougfortner 11:04 29/04/2023
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べい衰弱懸念すいじゃくけねんパンダ「ヤーヤー」が上海到着しゃんはいとうちゃく 20年間ねんかん貸与終たいよおえる
label.tran_page The panda ”Ya-Ya” arrives in Shanghai to end the 20-year lease


label.tran_page The giant panda, which had been raised in an American zoo and had caused widespread concern about its debilitated appearance, returned to China on the 27th.


label.tran_page State-run China Central Television reported that Ya Ya, a female giant panda kept at a zoo in Memphis, USA, had completed her 20-year loan period and arrived in Shanghai by air on the afternoon of the 27th.


label.tran_page A video of Ya-Ya’s emaciated figure was circulating on Chinese social media, and calls for her early return grew stronger.


label.tran_page Ya Ya will spend a month in a quarantine facility with air conditioning and a garden before being transferred to a zoo in Beijing.


label.tran_page Also, regarding the male giant panda Roro, who died in February this year after spending 20 years at the Memphis zoo with Ya Ya, the autopsy revealed that the cause of death was heart disease.
