Japanese newspaper
ほく やまにソーラーはつでんせっしゅうえききんひんこんていはいぶん
2018-09-08 03:42:02Z
Cat 14:09 09/09/2018
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ほく やまにソーラーはつでんせっしゅうえききんひんこんていはいぶん
label.tran_page Revenue from Solar Power Generator Installations on Mountains in Hebei to be Distributed to Poor Families


label.tran_page For Xuanhua Ward, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, China, last year, Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province’s joint “National Capitol Region Collaborative Development Strategy” recommended loaning power and installing solar generators and promoting of solar power generation jobs in the devastated mountains.
label.tran_page Hebei Province is the main area for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and is using that opportunity to be as example region of the possible national restoration of energy jobs.


label.tran_page The electric supply capacity of solar panels is about 1,000,000KW and it is said that, depending on how power companies market the electric power, this will bring significant revenue to the region which will be distributed to poor families.