パンダの永明えいめい28さいに 人間にんげんであれば80以上さいいじょう!
2020-09-17 09:40:03Z
Anonymous 06:09 17/09/2020
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パンダの永明えいめい28さいに 人間にんげんであれば80以上さいいじょう!
label.tran_page If the panda Eimei is 28 years old and is a human, he is over 80 years old!


label.tran_page Eimei of the giant panda, who celebrated his birthday on the 14th
label.tran_page Ice shaped like 28 years old and bamboo decoration with a message were presented

label.tran_page In terms of humans, Eimei, who is over 80 years old, is the father of 15 pandas, and is the oldest panda in the world who has succeeded in breeding by naturally mating in captivity.

label.tran_page Eimei says that mating with female Yoshihama was confirmed in June 2020, and if she is pregnant, she is expected to give birth in the fall.