台湾たいわん あかちゃんパンダ「円宝えんほう」、背中せなか模様もよう特徴的とくちょうてき 原因げんいんは「ハプニング」
2020-09-26 08:24:11Z
Anonymous 13:09 29/09/2020
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台湾たいわん あかちゃんパンダ「円宝えんほう」、背中せなか模様もよう特徴的とくちょうてき 原因げんいんは「ハプニング」
label.tran_page Taiwan baby panda Yenho


label.tran_page Weight increased to 5123 grams
label.tran_page On the black part of the back of the circle treasure, a pattern like the letter L emerges, giving it a unique shape.
label.tran_page According to the garden, this is due to a happening caused by the mother`s circle immediately after the birth of the circle.


label.tran_page Immediately after giving birth, Yen Yen held his mouth in his mouth to hold him, but he accidentally hurt his back with his teeth, probably because of fatigue.
label.tran_page Therefore, in the center of the black part of the back of the yen treasure, there was an L-shaped scratch of about 1 to 2 cm.
label.tran_page As the circle treasure grows, the scar grows larger, and the scar part has a small amount of hair, so the back of the circle treasure has a vest-like pattern that connects the apex parts of the triangle. Is that