15年後ねんごガソリン車販売禁止しゃはんばいきんし べいカリフォルニアしゅう
2020-09-27 07:00:03Z
Anonymous 14:09 30/09/2020
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15年後ねんごガソリン車販売禁止しゃはんばいきんし べいカリフォルニアしゅう
label.tran_page California will ban the sale of gasoline cars in 15 years` time.


label.tran_page California will gradually phase out the sale of gasoline cars by 2035, encouraging the transition to electric cars and others like it.
label.tran_page In recent years, there have been many wildfires caused by global warming, therefore the measures to tackle this are being strengthened.
label.tran_page California intends to call on other states to take similar measures, and it seems that it is also aiming to counter the Trump administration, which is reluctant to take measures against climate change.