台風たいふうちかている あめかぜをつけて
2020-10-09 17:40:00
Josh Joyce 14:10 13/10/2020
7 0
kavita 09:10 10/10/2020
0 0
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台風たいふうちかている あめかぜをつけて
label.tran_page Be careful of wind and rain as typhoon nears.


label.tran_page The japanese meteorological agency says it seems that the 14th strong typhoon will pass by the Pacific ocean side of Japan from the 10th to the 11th.
label.tran_page Close to the typhoon, winds and rain will become stronger and hills and cliffsides may experience rock falls so be careful, they also say.


label.tran_page Japanese railways say that if the typhoon comes near, trains in Chiba prefecture may be stopped.
label.tran_page Please check if the trains are moving by looking on the Internet etc.