米大統領選べいだいとうりょうせんテレビ集会しゅうかい バイデン候補こうほ上回うわまわ
2020-10-19 11:02:03Z
Anonymous 07:10 19/10/2020
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米大統領選べいだいとうりょうせんテレビ集会しゅうかい バイデン候補こうほ上回うわまわ
label.tran_page U.S. presidential election TV rally Biden candidate surpasses


label.tran_page At a dialogue meeting held separately by Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden before the US presidential election on the 15th, it was found that Mr. Biden exceeded Mr. Trump in the number of viewers.

label.tran_page The dialogue meeting on the 15th was held in place of the second TV debate that was canceled, and was broadcast separately on TV at the same time.
label.tran_page President Trump’s rally was broadcast on three stations and was watched by about 13 million people, but Democratic candidate Biden was watched by 13.9 million people despite being broadcast on one station, and President Trump was watched by the number of viewers.

label.tran_page A recent opinion poll reported the superiority of Biden candidate, but the result showed again that Biden candidate is attracting attention at the TV dialogue meeting.