ウイルスの差別さべつ悪口わるくちをなくそう 学校がっこうビデオくにつく
2020-10-19 16:15:00
rajesh karna 07:10 20/10/2020
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ウイルスの差別さべつ悪口わるくちをなくそう 学校がっこうビデオくにつく
label.tran_page Let`s get rid of virus discrimination and bad talk. The country makes videos to watch at school


label.tran_page When the new coronavirus is transmitted at school, it is a problem for some people to speak badly and to publish pictures of school children on the Internet.


label.tran_page For this reason, the country has made videos and the like to teach at school that discrimination and swearing against people working in hospitals and those infected with the virus and their families are not good.


label.tran_page In videos, etc., I introduce what I was doing at school and think for myself why discrimination occurs and what children can do.


label.tran_page The country said, There have long been people who discriminate against or speak badly about depressive illnesses.
label.tran_page Now that we have a new coronavirus problem, we want you to have the opportunity to think about what to do.