中国ちゅうごく高齢者こうれいしゃ5年以内ねんいない3億人超おくにんちょうか 少子高齢化進しょうしこうれいかすす
2020-10-27 11:02:07Z
Anonymous 08:10 29/10/2020
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中国ちゅうごく高齢者こうれいしゃ5年以内ねんいない3億人超おくにんちょうか 少子高齢化進しょうしこうれいかすす
label.tran_page More than 300 million elderly people in China within 5 years or declining birthrate and aging population


label.tran_page China’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, has announced that the population aged 60 and over, which the government defines as elderly, will exceed 300 million by the end of 2025.
label.tran_page By the end of 2022, it plans to train 10,000 human resources who can operate facilities for the elderly, and further train facility staff on a scale of 100,000.
label.tran_page In China, the ”one-child policy” was abolished five years ago, and all couples can now give birth to up to two children, but the birth rate has not risen as expected and the birthrate is declining and the population is aging.