ドイツ 全国ぜんこく飲食いんしょくてん劇場げきじょう閉鎖へいさ発表はっぴょう 来月らいげつ2にちからやく1か月かげつかん
10/29/2020 6:27:54 AM +09:00
Minh Nguyen 03:10 29/10/2020
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ドイツ 全国ぜんこく飲食いんしょくてん劇場げきじょう閉鎖へいさ発表はっぴょう 来月らいげつ2にちからやく1か月かげつかん
label.tran_page Announcement of closure of restaurants and theaters nationwide for about a month from the 2nd of next month
label.tran_page German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on the 28th that she will close restaurants and theaters nationwide for about a month starting next month, as the outbreak of the new coronavirus spreads rapidly again in European countries.