コーランんだとされる男性だんせい群衆ぐんしゅう撲殺ぼくさつ遺体燃いたいもやす バングラ
2020-10-31 07:00:03Z
Anonymous 15:11 01/11/2020
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コーランんだとされる男性だんせい群衆ぐんしゅう撲殺ぼくさつ遺体燃いたいもやす バングラ
label.tran_page A crowd kills a man who is said to have stepped on the Koran and burns his body Bangla


label.tran_page According to the police, two people who were allegedly trampled on the Quran at the mosque were detained and protected at the town hall, but they were taken away by a crowd of over 1000 people
label.tran_page One was slaughtered and his body burned on the street, and the other was injured but escaped.

 イスラム教徒きょうと多数たすうめるくにぐにでは、フランスのエマニュエル・マクロン(Emmanuel Macron)大統領だいとうりょう発言はつげんへの反発はんぱつから抗議こうぎデモ相次あいついで発生はっせい
label.tran_page In countries where Islam is the majority, protest demonstrations have occurred one after another due to the opposition to the remarks of French President Emmanuel Macron.
label.tran_page Tens of thousands of people attended an anti-French demonstration this week in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka and the port city of Chittagong.