ども99人死亡にんしぼう咳止せきどめシロップに有害成分混入ゆうがいせいぶんこんにゅうか インドネシア
2022-10-23 11:02:02
Anonymous 08:10 24/10/2022
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ども99人死亡にんしぼう咳止せきどめシロップに有害成分混入ゆうがいせいぶんこんにゅうか インドネシア
label.tran_page 99 children dead, poisonous ingredients mixed in cough syrup Indonesia


label.tran_page Indonesia’s health ministry has temporarily banned the sale of all cough syrups and liquid remedies, saying they may contain harmful ingredients.
label.tran_page Nearly 100 children have died in the country, and cases of acute renal failure have surged.


label.tran_page Authorities are investigating an unregistered medical syrup suspected of being contaminated with harmful ingredients and will continue to ban sales until this investigation is completed


label.tran_page The investigation will include 99 deaths, mostly among children under the age of 6, and 206 cases of acute kidney disease, according to a Ministry of Health spokesperson.


label.tran_page As a temporary measure, the ministry asks medical institutions not to prescribe liquid remedies or syrups.