2024-03-19 10:30:26
Anonymous 00:03 22/03/2024
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label.tran_page Apple may use Google-generated AI ”Gemini” for iPhone


label.tran_page American media reported that Apple is in talks to install Google’s generative AI ”Gemini” on the iPhone.

label.tran_page According to Bloomberg and other sources, Apple is promoting enhancements to the functionality of the software that will be updated this year, and is actively negotiating with Google to include Gemini.

label.tran_page Apple is seen to be lagging behind in the development of generative AI, and if this major agreement is reached, Apple will be able to supplement generative AI, while Google will be able to acquire a large number of iPhone users.

label.tran_page However, U.S. law enforcement authorities have complained that Google’s paid contract for search services as part of the iPhone’s default settings excludes competitors, and if this partnership goes through, the authorities will monitor the situation. It has also been pointed out that the situation may become even more severe.