民家みんかからクマのあかちゃん16頭保護とうほご ラオス
2024-03-25 16:00:27
anonymous 14:03 25/03/2024
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Anonymous 15:03 25/03/2024
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民家みんかからクマのあかちゃん16頭保護とうほご ラオス
label.tran_page 16 baby bears rescued from private house in Laos


label.tran_page 16 baby Asiatic black bears kept in private homes were recently rescued in Vientiane, the capital of Laos.

 NGO「フリー・ザ・ベアーズ(Free the Bears)」によると、16とう発見はっけんされたのは先週初せんしゅうはじ

label.tran_page According to the NGO Free the Bears, the 16 animals were discovered early last week.
label.tran_page One was already dead


label.tran_page The rescued animals were 10 males and 6 females, weighing 1.3 to 4 kg.
label.tran_page Appears to be 2 to 4 months old


label.tran_page Free the Bears said, ``Baby bears are very weak.
label.tran_page In the natural environment, a mother bear would never abandon her cubs.
label.tran_page The mother bear was probably killed by poachers.”


label.tran_page Matt Hunt, head of the NGO, said, ``We’re only three months into 2024, but this year’s annual number of rescued animals is already at a record high.’’


label.tran_page According to Free the Bears, police received a report from nearby residents that they could hear a baby bear crying.
label.tran_page One Laotian has been detained so far, and police are working to identify the homeowner.

 あかちゃんたちは、ルアンプラバン(Luang Prabang)にある野生動物保護区やせいどうぶつほごく移送いそうされる

label.tran_page The babies will be transferred to a wildlife sanctuary in Luang Prabang.

 ツキノワグマは、国際自然保護連合こくさいしぜんほごれんごう(IUCN)がまとめる「レッドリスト(Red List)」で危急種ききゅうしゅ(VU)とされている

label.tran_page The Asian black bear is classified as a Vulnerable Species (VU) on the ”Red List” compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


label.tran_page In Asia, many bears are kept as pets or to extract bile for use in traditional medicine.