去年きょねん難民なんみんみとめたのは303にん いままででいちばんおおかった
2024-03-27 12:00:00
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去年きょねん難民なんみんみとめたのは303にん いままででいちばんおおかった
label.tran_page Last year, 303 people were recognized as refugees, the highest number ever.


label.tran_page According to the Immigration Services Agency, 13,823 foreigners applied to the Japanese government last year to be recognized as refugees.


label.tran_page Of these, 303 people were recognized by the government as refugees.
label.tran_page This is the most ever


label.tran_page The most common nationality was Afghanistan, with 237 people.
label.tran_page Next was Myanmar with 27 people, followed by Ethiopia with 6 people.


label.tran_page Although we did not recognize 1,005 people as refugees, we did allow them to live in Japan because their lives were in danger.


label.tran_page Last December, a system was launched to protect people who have fled from countries where war continues, in the same way as refugees.
label.tran_page By the end of February this year, the government had allowed 647 people to live in Japan under this system.


label.tran_page Minister Koizumi of the Ministry of Justice said, ``We will firmly protect those who need protection.’’