えき電車でんしゃとしもの AIを使つかってさがしやすくする
2024-03-28 11:55:00
Anonymous 07:03 28/03/2024
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Knip Chan 06:03 28/03/2024
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Anonymous 08:03 28/03/2024
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smengfai 08:03 28/03/2024
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rajesh karna 20:04 09/04/2024
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Anonymous 00:03 29/03/2024
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えき電車でんしゃとしもの AIを使つかってさがしやすくする
label.tran_page Using AI can make it easier to search for lost items in stations and trains.


label.tran_page This system is an app called Otoshimono, where users can send messages and, using AI, it becomes easier to search for lost or forgotten items left in stations and trains.
label.tran_page The number of train companies that are using this new system is increasing.


label.tran_page Using the system, people who have lost something can write and send messages containing information like the time, place, and type of object lost.
label.tran_page Then, they can search Otoshimono’s data to see if the item they lost is there.


label.tran_page When one has lost items like a bag or wallet, if they send a picture of the item, the AI will search for matching items within its database.


label.tran_page In the year since last April that train companies have been using this system, they received about 20,000 paragraphs of phone calls and other communications with questions concerning lost items.
label.tran_page It is thought that, if companies use this system, it is possible that the amount of work related to receiving these calls may lessen.