Japanese newspaper
2023-06-22 07:10:02
Anonymous 02:06 22/06/2023
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label.tran_page More than 60% of companies are considering using or introducing “generative AI”


label.tran_page A survey by a private research company found that more than 60% of companies are considering using or introducing generative AI (artificial intelligence), driven by the ”chat GPT” boom.


label.tran_page As a result of a survey of 1,380 companies by Teikoku Databank, more than 60% of companies answered that they were considering using or introducing generative AI in their work.


label.tran_page Of these, 9.1% are already using it, and 14.2% are specifically considering its introduction.
label.tran_page The remaining 37.8% answered that they would consider it, but that they ”do not have an image of its use.”


label.tran_page On the other hand, there were voices of concern about the accuracy of information and the risk of information leakage from companies that said they would not consider using it.


label.tran_page Although it is expected to alleviate the labor shortage and improve productivity, it seems that it will take some time before it is used in business.