The average for all of Japan is 5.6, with Okinawa having the highest number.
The average for all of Japan is 5.6, with Okinawa having the highest number.
In Okinawa Prefecture, more than 500 people have been hospitalized with the new coronavirus, and the number of people who contracted the virus at the hospital is increasing.
In Okinawa Prefecture, more than 500 people have been hospitalized with the new coronavirus, and the number of people who contracted the virus at the hospital is increasing.
Governor Tamaki said, ”I’m worried that it will become difficult to treat people with heart or brain diseases, or people who have been injured in traffic accidents, and I won’t be able to help them.”
Governor Tamaki said, ”I’m worried that it will become difficult to treat people with heart or brain diseases, or people who have been injured in traffic accidents, and I won’t be able to help them.”