G7とASEANの法務ほうむ司法しほう分野ぶんや若手わかて職員しょくいん国際こくさい会議かいぎ 東京とうきょうはじまる
6/26/2024 1:08:14 PM +09:00
Felis Chandralaksmi 04:06 26/06/2024
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G7とASEANの法務ほうむ司法しほう分野ぶんや若手わかて職員しょくいん国際こくさい会議かいぎ 東京とうきょうはじまる
label.tran_page Starting at the international conference of young employees in the legal affairs and judicial fields of G7 and ASEAN
label.tran_page International Conference has begun in Tokyo, where G7 = 7 major countries and ASEAN = the legal affairs and judicial fields of the Southeast Asian United Nations discussing common issues in each country.