国連こくれん会議かいぎ 「日本にっぽん人権じんけん問題もんだいについての機関きかん必要ひつよう
2024-06-27 16:25:00
Anonymous 01:06 28/06/2024
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国連こくれん会議かいぎ 「日本にっぽん人権じんけん問題もんだいについての機関きかん必要ひつよう
label.tran_page UN meeting Japan needs an institution on human rights issues


label.tran_page There was a report of the first survey conducted in Japan on the 26th at a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Board.
label.tran_page The report reported on the sexual damage issues received by many young talents.
label.tran_page It also tells you that there is a difference in salary between men and women


label.tran_page And in the report, I told Japan to create an institution that works on human rights issues, apart from the government.


label.tran_page In the institution, NGOs and lawyers will help those who have been damaged by examining children`s bullying, working foreigners, harassment at the company, etc.


label.tran_page In the world, 118 countries with human rights agencies are working together to create groups, but not in Japan, the United States, and China.
label.tran_page The Ministry of Justice says he wants to consider whether to create an institution