みやすい都市としランキング、ウィーンが首位しゅいキープ 大阪おおさか
2024-06-28 16:00:09
Anonymous 14:06 28/06/2024
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みやすい都市としランキング、ウィーンが首位しゅいキープ 大阪おおさか
label.tran_page Vienna maintains top spot in ranking of most livable cities; Osaka ranks 9th


label.tran_page The 2024 ranking of the world’s most livable cities was released on the 26th, with Austria’s capital Vienna taking the top spot for the third consecutive year.


label.tran_page The ranking, compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a sister organization of the British business magazine The Economist, evaluates 173 cities around the world in terms of healthcare, culture/environment, stability, infrastructure, and education.


label.tran_page Leader Vienna received perfect scores in 4 out of 5 items.
label.tran_page Regarding culture and environment, points were deducted because there were no major sporting events.


label.tran_page 2nd place is Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark
label.tran_page Zurich, Switzerland, which was in 6th place last year, has moved up to 3rd place.