大雨おおあめ影響えいきょう国際空港こくさいくうこう屋根崩落やねほうらく 9人死傷にんししょう
2024-06-30 11:02:02
dino 16:06 30/06/2024
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大雨おおあめ影響えいきょう国際空港こくさいくうこう屋根崩落やねほうらく 9人死傷にんししょう
label.tran_page Roof collapses at international airport due to heavy rain, killing 9 people and injuring them


label.tran_page On the 28th, part of the roof collapsed onto parked taxis and other vehicles at Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, the capital of India.

label.tran_page According to local media, at least one person died and eight others were injured in this accident.

label.tran_page Regarding the cause of the accident, the airport operating company explained that it was ”the effects of heavy rain that started early in the morning.”

label.tran_page On this day, New Delhi was hit by heavy rain accompanied by thunder, causing damage such as flooding of roads.