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label.tran_page Spendthrift Michael Jackson had over 80 Billion Yen debt before his death.


label.tran_page Michael Jackson is said to have had more than 500 milion dollars (80.3 billion yen) debt before he passed away.
label.tran_page The then 50-year old Michael died in June 2009 due to cardiac arrest.
label.tran_page People Magazine got hold of documents indicating huge amounts of unpaid debt.


label.tran_page Michael is one of the top-selling artists in history, but it is well known that he had wasteful habits like throwing away big sums of money on jewelries and artworks.
label.tran_page Court records now show that at the time of his death, despite having staggering debts and dealing with financial problems, Michael continued preparing for his performance at his London residence 02 Arena and producing new songs.


label.tran_page Randy Phillips, former CEO of AEG Live who was the promoter of Michael’s London show, previously revealed that at that time Michael has decided to deal with his financial problems and was preparing to change his lifestyle and settle down.


label.tran_page According to a 2009 interview by Rolling Stone Magazine, Randy said ”he wanted people to see his work, not his lifestyle”.
label.tran_page He dismissed the rumours people had about Michael, saying he was well aware of the precarious financial situation he was in. ”Michael was a very clever marketer,” he said. ”People say Michael was weak and manipulated, but he was the powerful manipulator.
label.tran_page He did everything he could to resolve his financial issues.
label.tran_page ”He was preparing to stop living like a vagabond, settle down and start earning money again,” he continued.