東京とうきょうディズニーリゾート 猛暑もうしょなつのイベント延長えんちょう れる演出えんしゅつ
2024-07-01 16:00:31
Anonymous 07:07 02/07/2024
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東京とうきょうディズニーリゾート 猛暑もうしょなつのイベント延長えんちょう れる演出えんしゅつ
label.tran_page Tokyo Disney Resort extends summer events due to intense heat, including wet performances


label.tran_page As the intense summer heat is predicted, Tokyo Disney Resort will extend the summer event period from previous years.

label.tran_page At Tokyo Disneyland, a special parade will be held from the 2nd to September 18th in which the popular character ”Big Hero 6” will release large amounts of water at park visitors.

label.tran_page As part of our measures to combat the heat, we have increased the amount of water compared to last year and incorporated a more wet effect.

label.tran_page In addition, there will be spots within the park where you can bathe in large amounts of water and mist, and a special version of the popular attraction ”Splash Mountain” will also be held.

label.tran_page Due to the recent record-breaking heat, Tokyo Disney Resort is extending the summer event period by about two weeks compared to previous years.