沖縄おきなわアメリカぐん兵士へいしせい暴力ぼうりょく 那覇市なはしなど議会ぎかい抗議こうぎ
2024-07-02 16:25:00
mason 02:07 03/07/2024
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Anonymous 02:07 03/07/2024
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Anonymous 14:07 02/07/2024
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沖縄おきなわアメリカぐん兵士へいしせい暴力ぼうりょく 那覇市なはしなど議会ぎかい抗議こうぎ
label.tran_page U.S. military soldiers in Okinawa protests such as sex violence Naha City


label.tran_page In December and May this year in Okinawa, it turns out that US military soldiers had sex violence against women.
label.tran_page Both cases were not contacted by the prefecture until June


label.tran_page Five municipal councils in Okinawa have decided to protest and communicate to the Japanese and American governments.

那覇市なはし議会ぎかいは「アメリカぐん兵士へいし女性じょせいきずつける 事件じけん何度なんどこしています

label.tran_page Congress in Naha City said, U.S. military soldiers have caused many times to hurt women.
label.tran_page I will protest strongly because it is dangerous for Okinawan people.
label.tran_page He apologized to the victims and told the Japanese and American governments to prevent similar incidents from happening.


label.tran_page Other cities and other councils are also thinking about conveying protests and opinions.