35以上いじょう猛暑日今年最多もうしょびことしさいたに 熱中症ねっちゅうしょう注意ちゅうい
2024-07-03 16:00:25
Adri Aditya Kertawidya 01:07 04/07/2024
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35以上いじょう猛暑日今年最多もうしょびことしさいたに 熱中症ねっちゅうしょう注意ちゅうい
label.tran_page Be careful of heatstroke as this year sees the highest number of extremely hot days with temperatures over 35 degrees Celsius


label.tran_page On the 3rd, there will be a break during the rainy season from the Tokai region to western Japan, which is covered by high pressure, and strong sunlight is expected to shine during the day.

label.tran_page Additionally, as warm air flows in at this time of year, there is a risk of intense heat and humidity in various areas.

label.tran_page Maximum temperatures are expected to reach 35℃ or higher in places such as Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Miyazaki, and the number of extremely hot days is expected to be the highest this year.

label.tran_page The Ministry of the Environment has issued a heatstroke warning mainly in western and eastern Japan, calling on people to evacuate from the dangerous heat.

label.tran_page As a general rule, you should stop exercising and stay in a cool place as much as possible to avoid heatstroke.