震災しんさいから10ねん イオンが東北とうほく名産品めいさんひん応援販売おうえんはんばい
2021-03-08 07:10:02Z
miraena2013 02:03 09/03/2021
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震災しんさいから10ねん イオンが東北とうほく名産品めいさんひん応援販売おうえんはんばい
label.tran_page 10 years after the earthquake, Aeon supports and sells Tohoku’s specialty products


label.tran_page Aeon will sell about 80 items such as lunch boxes developed with high school students in Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture from the 4th at about 350 stores nationwide.


label.tran_page Tohoku marine products such as mackerel and tuna from Fukushima prefecture, sea squirts and kinki from Iwate are lined up at the sales floor.

label.tran_page According to a survey by the Consumer Affairs Agency, the percentage of people who hesitate to purchase agricultural and marine products in Fukushima Prefecture was the lowest ever.