ローマ教皇きょうこうがイラクを初訪問はつほうもん 宗教対話しゅうきょうたいわ予定よてい
2021-03-09 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 15:06 29/06/2022
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ローマ教皇きょうこうがイラクを初訪問はつほうもん 宗教対話しゅうきょうたいわ予定よてい
label.tran_page Pope visits Iraq for the first time, with religious dialogue planned


label.tran_page Pope Francis arrived at the airport in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, on the 5th and was welcomed by Prime Minister Kadimi and others.

label.tran_page The visit was something that the Pope himself had long wanted to heal those who were in the war.

label.tran_page During the four-day stay, the Pope will have a place for religious dialogue, such as meeting with Islamic Shiite leaders, and will pray to the victims at Mosul, which was the base of the extremist organization ”Islamic State.”

label.tran_page However, in Iraq, there are a series of attacks such as rockets being shot at the base where the U.S. military is stationed on the 3rd, and there are concerns about security.

label.tran_page Approximately 10,000 security forces are on guard, while the Pope travels by armored vehicles and helicopters.

label.tran_page Iraq is the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham, who appears in the Old Testament, and although the number has decreased significantly due to conflict, about 300,000 Christians still live.