ロンドン青信号が女性シルエットに 国際女性デー
London Green Light becomes a female silhouette International Women’s Day.
London Green Light becomes a female silhouette International Women’s Day.
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau has changed the design of pedestrian crossing traffic lights to a female silhouette at 23 locations outside the city to coincide with International Women’s Day on the 8th.
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau has changed the design of pedestrian crossing traffic lights to a female silhouette at 23 locations outside the city to coincide with International Women’s Day on the 8th.
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau has changed the design of pedestrian crossing traffic lights to a female silhouette at 23 locations outside the city to coincide with International Women’s Day on the 8th.
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau has changed the design of pedestrian crossing traffic lights to a female silhouette at 23 locations outside the city to coincide with International Women’s Day on the 8th.
At the London Municipal Transportation Bureau, in addition to encouraging new graduates to actively apply for women, personnel evaluation using software that eliminates prejudice due to gender is also a manager of women. It means that we are supporting the promotion to.
At the London Municipal Transportation Bureau, in addition to encouraging new graduates to actively apply for women, personnel evaluation using software that eliminates prejudice due to gender is also a manager of women. It means that we are supporting the promotion to.
A person in charge of the Transportation Bureau explained that he intended to ”remember by looking at the traffic lights that women are making a great contribution to society.”
A person in charge of the Transportation Bureau explained that he intended to ”remember by looking at the traffic lights that women are making a great contribution to society.”
ロンドン青信号が女性シルエットに 国際女性デー
London green light becomes a female silhouette International Women’s Day
London green light becomes a female silhouette International Women’s Day
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau changed the design of pedestrian crossing traffic lights to female silhouettes at 23 locations in the city to coincide with International Women’s Day on the 8th.
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau changed the design of pedestrian crossing traffic lights to female silhouettes at 23 locations in the city to coincide with International Women’s Day on the 8th.
It means that diversity is expressed by not drawing a general image of a woman, such as wearing a dress.
It means that diversity is expressed by not drawing a general image of a woman, such as wearing a dress.
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau encourages new graduate women to actively apply, and supports the promotion of women to managerial positions by personnel evaluation using software that eliminates gender prejudice.
The London Municipal Transportation Bureau encourages new graduate women to actively apply, and supports the promotion of women to managerial positions by personnel evaluation using software that eliminates gender prejudice.
The person in charge of the Transportation Bureau explained his intention, ”I want you to remember by looking at the signal that women are making a great contribution to society.”
The person in charge of the Transportation Bureau explained his intention, ”I want you to remember by looking at the signal that women are making a great contribution to society.”