2023-12-08 11:02:51
rczepyha 11:12 09/12/2023
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label.tran_page Time magazine names popular American singer Taylor Swift as ``Person of the Year’’


label.tran_page On the 6th, Time magazine selected popular American singer Swift as Person of the Year, which is an annual tradition.

label.tran_page Time magazine pointed out, ``Every year there is light and darkness, but 2023 was a year with a large proportion of darkness.’’ ”There is no one who can touch the hearts of people,” explains the reason for choosing him.

label.tran_page Time magazine has chosen the person of the year every year since 1972, and this is the first time that the person has been chosen based on their achievements in the arts.

label.tran_page Ms. Swift was also ranked 5th on the ``100 Most Influential Women in the World’’ by the American business magazine Forbes, which was announced on the 5th.