ガザ地区ちく生活せいかつった映画えいが 日本にっぽんでの上映じょうえいえている
2023-12-08 15:50:00
Uri Dor 23:12 09/12/2023
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ガザ地区ちく生活せいかつった映画えいが 日本にっぽんでの上映じょうえいえている
label.tran_page Movies depicting life in the Gaza Strip are increasingly being shown in Japan

「ガザ 素顔すがお日常にちじょう」は、2019ねんにパレスチナのガザ地区ちくった映画えいがです

label.tran_page ”Gaza: Real Life” is a movie shot in the Gaza Strip in Palestine in 2019.


label.tran_page Israel and Palestine have been at war for a long time
label.tran_page The dangers of battle also appear in the movie.
label.tran_page However, among them, I photograph the dreams and everyday lives of people in the Gaza Strip, such as a 14-year-old boy who wants to become a captain and a 19-year-old woman who wants to study abroad.


label.tran_page Since the conflict between Israel and Palestine Hamas began in October of this year, the film company has received more than 150 applications from various parts of Japan to screen the movie.


label.tran_page The film has been showing at a movie theater in Shibuya, Tokyo since last month.


label.tran_page One person who came to see said, ``I realized that there are people in the Gaza Strip who are similar to us, people who work and children who go to school.’’


label.tran_page One person said, ``I was so surprised to see how different we are even though we are the same people and under the same sky.’’