食料不足対策しょくりょうふそくたいさく 東農大とうのうだいがザリガニ研究しょくけんきゅう発表はっぴょう
2023-12-10 16:00:09
Anonymous 16:12 10/12/2023
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食料不足対策しょくりょうふそくたいさく 東農大とうのうだいがザリガニ研究しょくけんきゅう発表はっぴょう
label.tran_page To counter food shortages, Tokyo University of Agriculture releases research on crayfish food


label.tran_page Tokyo University of Agriculture has announced a study to utilize crayfish as a new food resource as a solution to the global food shortage caused by population growth and climate change.

label.tran_page Tokyo University of Agriculture is conducting research with Kenyan universities and companies to turn American crayfish into an edible resource.

label.tran_page In Japan, the American crayfish has been designated as a conditionally specified alien species since June of this year because it threatens the ecosystem, and breeding for the purpose of sale is prohibited.

label.tran_page However, more than 99% of the crayfish farmed in the world are American crayfish, which are mainly consumed as food in China and the United States.

label.tran_page Because it is high in protein, grows quickly, and has low production costs, we will continue research to incorporate it into the food culture of Africa, where nutritional deficiencies are serious.

label.tran_page Fumiyo Eguchi, president of Tokyo University of Agriculture, said, ``I felt that crayfish could become an excellent food resource if the sand and odor were removed.’’
label.tran_page It is of great significance that edible production and edible use will be connected to countries around the world.”