魅力的みりょくてき旅行先りょこうさき都市としランク、首位しゅいパリ 東京とうきょうが4上昇じょうしょう
2023-12-19 11:02:20
Anonymous 02:12 20/12/2023
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魅力的みりょくてき旅行先りょこうさき都市としランク、首位しゅいパリ 東京とうきょうが4上昇じょうしょう
label.tran_page Paris ranks first in attractive travel destination cities, Tokyo rises to fourth place


label.tran_page International market research firm Euromonitor International has published its new annual report on the world’s most attractive destinations, with Paris once again taking the top spot.


label.tran_page The data company ”Lighthouse” also cooperated in the survey, which was created based on indicators such as tourism industry, sustainability, economic strength, medical measures, and security maintenance.


label.tran_page According to the survey results, Europe accounted for 7 of the top 10 cities and 63 of the top 100 countries.
label.tran_page Cities outside of Europe that made it into the top 10 were Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in second place, Tokyo in fourth place, and New York in eighth place.


label.tran_page Madrid took third place, followed by Amsterdam, Berlin and Rome in fifth to seventh place.
label.tran_page Barcelona secured 9th place and London secured 10th place.
label.tran_page The strong performance of Asian teams also shined, with Singapore finishing 11th, Seoul 14th, Osaka 16th, and Hong Kong 17th.


label.tran_page The report cites background factors such as ”rapid urbanization and the introduction of a wide range of technologies” regarding the strengths of European countries.
label.tran_page ”Travellers now expect high-speed internet access, flexible booking options, and the ability to work remotely.”


label.tran_page This is the first time that Tokyo has been ranked in the top 10.


label.tran_page Four cities made it into the top 100 for the first time: Washington ranked 48th, Montreal ranked 68th, Santiago, Chile ranked 88th, and Vilnius, Lithuania ranked 92nd.
label.tran_page All four cities showed improved performance in tourism.


label.tran_page International travel continues to show a strong recovery and is predicted to reach 1.3 billion by the end of this year.
label.tran_page The amount of expenditure associated with international tourism is estimated to be approximately 1.7 trillion US dollars (approximately 241 trillion yen).


label.tran_page Other cities in the top 20 were Munich in 12th place, Milan in 13th place, Dublin in 15th place, Vienna in 18th place, Los Angeles in 19th place and Lisbon in 20th place.