アイドル「BOYSGROUP」突然とつぜん解散発表かいさんはっぴょう 10とおかにファーストシングルを発売はつばいした直後ちょくごに…「今後こんご活動かつどう困難こんなんある全員ぜんいん判断はんだん
2023-05-16 15:11:33
Anonymous 10:05 16/05/2023
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アイドル「BOYSGROUP」突然とつぜん解散発表かいさんはっぴょう 10とおかにファーストシングルを発売はつばいした直後ちょくごに…「今後こんご活動かつどう困難こんなんある全員ぜんいん判断はんだん
label.tran_page Idol ”BOYSGROUP” suddenly announced disbandment Immediately after releasing the first single on the 10th...”Everyone decided that future activities would be difficult”


label.tran_page It was announced on the official website of WACK and the group’s SNS that the 6-member male dance and vocal group ”BOYSGROUP”, which is WACK’s first work, will be disbanded.

label.tran_page Fans were surprised by the group’s sudden disbandment announcement right after the group’s first single ”Super Hero” was released on May 10.


label.tran_page The official website states, ”We have ended our activities as BOYSGROUP and decided to disband the group.
label.tran_page ” was announced