みみ障害しょうがいあるひとたのしめる映画えいが 日本にっぽんではまだすくない
2022-05-12 12:00:00
Anonymous 09:05 16/05/2022
16 0
Anonymous 13:05 13/05/2022
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みみ障害しょうがいあるひとたのしめる映画えいが 日本にっぽんではまだすくない
label.tran_page Movies that can be enjoyed by people with hearing and eye disabilities, still few in Japan


label.tran_page ”Barrier-free movies” are movies that people with hearing and eye disabilities can enjoy together.
label.tran_page The movie has subtitles that explain the conversation and what you are doing, and voices that explain people.
label.tran_page You can watch subtitles and listen to explanations using special glasses or a smartphone app.


label.tran_page When the NPO ”Media Access Support Center” in Tokyo examined Japanese movies for the year until November last year, only 16.3% were barrier-free movies.


label.tran_page Even for barrier-free movies, it was sometimes not possible to see subtitles because the movie theater did not have special glasses.


label.tran_page A person helping people with hearing disabilities says, ”I want people who are deaf to watch movies and be able to laugh and cry with the people around them.”